Bounced from home to home, neglected and raped: The story of a teenager's horrific life in care

Politics 2 years ago 181

Amber, 19, has waived her anonymity to tell her story.

From the age of 13 she bounced through the care system, on a journey to ever-greater isolation and abuse, which ended in her being placed in "prison-like" secure accommodation "for her own safety".

Like many children, she was removed from home, in part, due to alleged parental neglect, but what she experienced in the coming years seems like state neglect; poor supervision, zero stability and being easy prey for sexual predators.

The care order was placed in March 2016, but a year later, time with her longest-running foster family ended abruptly, when the family decided they wanted to go on holiday without her, partly because she kept running away.

Eight further placements followed but in a matter of weeks she was moved to a children's home and deemed "the most at risk child in the area".

She tell...

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