Boy who lost finger fleeing 'racist bullies' is flooded with donations for prosthetic

Politics 2 years ago 195

Good Samaritans, moved by the tale of an 11-year-old who lost his finger while fleeing racist school bullies, have donated £73,000 to help him buy a prosthetic.

Raheem Bailey was attacked, beaten, kicked and pushed to the ground by a group of children at school on Tuesday, his mother Shantal Bailey said.

Her son had tried to escape, she said, but got his finger caught while climbing a fence, and it later had to be amputated.

She said Raheem has been facing "racial and physical abuse" as well as being bullied about his height since he started secondary school in south Wales in September.

Ms Bailey described her son's plight on a GoFundMe page with a target of £10,000 which she set up to raise money for a prosthetic finger and money to aid his recovery.

As of Saturday evening, more than £73,000 had been donated and the amount was cont...

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