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Canada faces call to scrap vaccine passport app after elderly man without a smartphone is threatened with fine

International 2 years ago 254

There is growing discontent in Canada with the official government-mandated ArriveCan app that contains mandatory travel and health information, the use of which is required for entry into the country.

And although Canadian authorities say that its goal is to keep travelers safe and “modernize cross-border travel”, ArriveCan is increasingly a source of frustration to those forced to use it, and many are now calling for it to be abandoned.

The app was introduced during the Covid pandemic as a public health measure but is now morphing into one way to implement the digital ID agenda, critics are warning, and those in power in Canada are not really protesting this claim.

Minister of Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino is quoted as stating that the app is moving to become “an airport convenience measure”. But numerous reports show that ArriveCan is actually inconveniencing travelers....

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