Children's social care system needs 'radical reset' to prevent 'enormous' problems, says report

Politics 2 years ago 191

Children's social care in England needs a "radical reset" to stop the "cycle of escalating problems," a sweeping review has said.

Former teacher Josh MacAlister, led the Independent Review of Children's Social Care, and is calling for a "five-year comprehensive ambitious reform and investment programme" to improve the lives of children in care and their families.

The review has made more than 80 recommendations, including calls to rebalance resources "to back those who care for and love children".

And there has also been a call for a windfall tax to be imposed on the profits made by the largest private children's home providers to fund the radical overhaul.

Mr MacAlister said the review was launched because of "widespread recognition" that outcomes for children in care and families who face lots of challenges are "far too poor" and that without change "costs will r...

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