Al Jazeera

China eyes security pact in talks with Pacific islands in Fiji

2 years ago 270

China’s top diplomat holds talks with 10 Pacific nations in Fiji to discuss increasing security and economic ties.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi is holding talks with his counterparts from 10 Pacific island nations in Fiji as part of a diplomatic tour that has stirred deep Western concern.

The meeting on Monday will discuss proposals for Beijing to radically increase its involvement in the security, economy and politics of the South Pacific.

With borders closed across the region because of the COVID-19 pandemic, most foreign ministers are attending the Fiji meeting by video link. In several Pacific countries, the foreign minister is also the prime minister.

Before Monday’s meeting, President Xi Jinping sent a message that China would be “a good brother” to the region and that they shared a “common destiny”, according to state broadcaster CCTV....

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