Daily Express

Deranged Russian propaganda claims UK on verge of cannibalism due to Ukraine support

World News 2 years ago 292

Russia TV makes 'link' between monkeypox and Ukraine support

TsargradTV, which is owned by a key supporter of President Vladimir Putin, claimed that the cost of living crisis gripping the UK is due to the British government’s support of sanctions against Moscow in response to its invasion of Ukraine. The outlet, backed by businessman and long-term Putin ally Konstantin Malofeev, argued that Western sanctions were pushing Britons to the point of starvation.

Seizing on a joke made by Jeremy Clarkson in an article last month, the outlet claimed the situation was becoming so desperate there is a “risk of cannibalism”. 

In an article published on its website, the outlet described Russia and Belarus as the world’s “largest suppliers of food and fertilisers” and reasoned that, as the two countries are hampered by economic penalties, Western countries were being pushed to the brink.

The article quoted a Sunday Times column by Mr Clarkson from earlier this month in which the presenter-turned-farmer jokes that it is only a matter of time before “people eat their neighbours”....

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