Reclaim The Net

Facebook fact-checkers can’t agree on definition for “energy independence”

International 2 years ago 235

“The left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing” among Facebook’s army of “fact-checkers”, specifically on the topic of whether or not the US is an energy-independent country, and at what point in time this may have been true or false.

They also disagree on what facts should be used to define if that independence was reestablished during Donald Trump’s term in office, and lost under the current administration.

But what is certain is that the result is more censorship on Facebook and Instagram, affecting posts by Media Research Center (MRC) 27 times within one month earlier in 2022. Both have labeled this content as “missing context”, which could therefore be “misleading”.

Facebook cites third party, i.e., “independent” fact-checkers as responsible for identifying MRC’s posts as potentially misleading. But at least one fact-checker that plays a prominent role in all this is anything but independent: AFP is a French government-funded agency.

The majority of MRC posts claim that the US no longer has energy independence thanks to the fact it is increasingly relying on imported oil, and mention Biden as the one to blame....

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