Al Jazeera

Fear among Syrian refugees over Turkey ‘voluntary return’ plan

2 years ago 168

Istanbul, Turkey – Syrians living in Turkey have expressed fear and concern about President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s proposal to repatriate about one million of them to the northern region of Idlib, as the Turkish government continues to insist that it will carry out a military operation in northern Syria.

In May, Erdogan announced that the government was working to return Syrian refugees to the areas under Turkish security control in northern Syria. The plan includes building 250,000 housing units and equipping them with infrastructure that will extend between the cities of Azaz, Jarablus and al-Bab, all the way to Tal Abyad and Ain Issa.

“We support the ongoing migration strategy with projects to encourage voluntary returns”, Erdogan said at the time.

“Not only have we opened our doors to enable the oppressed to save their lives and dignity, but we also make every effort so that they can return to their homes”, he added....

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