Al Jazeera

Greece prevents about 600 migrants from crossing Aegean

2 years ago 92

The Greek coastguard prevents five sail boats and four dinghies from crossing into its territorial waters from Turkey.

Greece has said it has prevented about 600 migrants from crossing the Aegean into its territorial waters from neighbouring Turkey, according to the state broadcaster and other media.

A spokesman for the Greek coastguard on Monday told the AFP news agency that five sail boats and four dinghies had set off from the Turkish coast early in the morning.

Speaking to Greek radio, a coastguard officer estimated the total number of migrants on board the sail boats alone at 450.

“Greek patrol vessels were able to quickly locate the vessels and inform the Turkish coastguard”, the spokesman told AFP.

All the vessels either headed back or were intercepted, he added.

“All the incidents occurred inside Turkish territorial waters” between the Greek islands of Chios and Samos, he said.

According to Greek coastguard sources, about 22,000 migrants have been prevented from entering the European Union along this route since the start of the year.

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