Fox News Opinion

Greg Gutfeld: Biden takes every opportunity to divide America

Opinion 2 years ago 395

President Biden's numbers are looking up, as in looking up from a bottomless pit in hell. Say hello to Ted Kennedy. 

According to a CBS News YouGov poll, most Americans believe things are going badly under distracted and incontinent, I mean, incompetent Biden. Nearly eight in ten voters say things in our country are going somewhat or very badly. Now for a comparison. Getting your face eaten by a chimp gets better reviews, science. 

Speaking of chimps, we've got a new concern. It's called Monkeypox, and it's not as fun as it sounds. Kind of gross, actually. And according to the World Health Organization, this disease is being spread by sex at raves in Europe. 

So just to be safe. No raves for me in Europe. Definitely no sex with monkeys, at least for two weeks. You got to flatten that curve. And it is it is shaped like a banana. Get it out of my system. We're going to be covering a lot of monkeypox. And as far as we know, it's not spreading here. I think. 

So nearly 70% think the economy is fairly or very bad and 56% disapprove of how Biden is doing his job. And if the election were held today, he'd be in bed at noon. All right. Fair enough. Didn't laugh. It's okay. But that's an hour earlier than normal. 

Here's an interesting fact. 65% say that when important things come up, Biden is slow to act. Well, unless it's a stock tip from Hunter, but close to close to 40% of Dems feel the same way. We asked President Biden if he thought he was slow to act and he replied...

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