Fox News Opinion

Greg Gutfeld: Favor the individual over identity politics

Opinion 2 years ago 292

So, this week, the media finally discovered crime because finally they found a criminal who fits the bill, as they ignore others who don't. And make no mistake, this is a villain. And I credit the outrage, even if most of it is only to exploit a tragedy. 

CNN political reporter concludes that white Americans aren't doing enough to fight racism. 

CNN REPORTER: You know, oftentimes it is African-Americans who talk about racism. It is really a white cultural problem that white Americans have to come to terms with. Why is it that African-Americans and brown and Black people more generally are seen as the other or demonized so easily in a lot of our politics? And we still talk about white supremacy, but it's also the ways in which people talk about folks coming across the border. The demonization of it goes around about those folks that somehow they are also are a threat to America. 

We just demonize. So, racism is a white cultural problem and whites should come to terms with it. How does she know that they haven't? What planet is she on? And why do they only get CNN and MSNBC there? 

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