Al Jazeera

Grief and questions after UK police kill Chris Kaba, a Black man

2 years ago 164

London, United Kingdom – The police killing of a Black man – 24-year-old father and aspiring rapper Chris Kaba – has reignited a national conversation about racism within the British police force and stirred fears among the country’s Black communities.

On September 5, at about 10pm, Kaba was fatally shot by police after a car chase in Streatham Hill, a south London district.

He was boxed in and an officer shot through the windscreen of the Audi he was driving, on the driver’s side. He received first aid at the scene and was taken to hospital, where he died.

London’s Metropolitan Police, which after the 2020 death of George Floyd committed to becoming an actively anti-racist organisation, said Kaba’s car had been stopped after his registration number was “linked to a firearms offence in the previous days”...

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