Al Jazeera

Libyan comedian killed while filming Tripoli clashes on Instagram

2 years ago 163

As many as 32 people were killed in the latest outbreak of fighting in Tripoli, including comedian Mustafa Baraka.

In the aftermath of fighting over the weekend in Libya’s capital Tripoli, the story of one of the victims, Mustafa Baraka, has caught the attention of Libyans.

Baraka was a well-known Libyan comedian who had appeared on television and was popular on social media, where he mocked Libya’s politicians and militias for being corrupt and constantly fighting.

When the battles arrived in his Tripoli neighbourhood on Saturday, Baraka decided to document the events to his followers on Instagram and went live.

“One last picture before I die”, Baraka told his followers.

Baraka was later shot by a stray bullet in the chest, leading to his death....

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