Al Jazeera

Meet Mo Fit: The Somali trainer fighting obesity in Mogadishu

2 years ago 191

Mogadishu, Somalia – Mohamed Abdi is a man on a mission taking on a task many in Somalia dare not attempt.

Mohamed, popularly known as Mo Fit, is a 27-year-old fitness consultant and nutritionist in a country where having a “full figure” is seen as the ideal body image.

Four years ago when he began his business as an online fitness consultancy, many in the Horn of African country advised him to find another battle because they saw his chosen line of work as unwinnable.

“What our people see as beautiful, the rest of the world has moved on from that. Our people when they are overweight, they are proud of it”, the father-of-one told Al Jazeera.

“If a lady does not have big legs or meat on her face, people say she is not VIP. If men don’t have big bellies, they are seen as poor. That is not the case [in] the rest of the world”, he added...

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