Al Jazeera

No Iran nuclear deal ‘worse’ than even a bad one: Israel sources

2 years ago 93

Failure to revive Iran’s nuclear accord poses much more danger even than ‘a bad’ deal, Israeli intelligence sources tell the Jerusalem Post.

Not reviving the Iran nuclear deal could result in more imminent nuclear danger for Israel and its allies, anonymous intelligence sources told the Jerusalem Post, saying Tehran was only weeks away from weaponising uranium to 90 percent.

Iran is in a position to produce not only one but as many as four nuclear bombs, the sources told the Israeli news outlet.

While Israeli leaders such as current Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and his predecessor Benjamin Netanyahu have denounced a deal with Iran over its nuclear programme, the sources said there are factions within Israel’s defence and intelligence apparatus that believe no deal poses a far greater risk than “even a bad deal“.

Negotiations to revive the landmark 2015 nuclear deal signed between Iran and world powers resumed in 2021 after former US President Donald Trump withdrew from the historic agreement in 2018 and re-imposed crippling sanctions on Tehran.

After more than a year of negotiations, it remains unclear whether a deal can be...

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