Soucial News

Operation Jenner in Europe: Big Pharma Chiefs, Politicians and Footballers Shot in Sink

Breaking News 2 years ago 537

A huge scandal has erupted in Spain after journalists from El Periódico de España revealed that 2,000 celebrities, politicians, footballers or Big Pharma bosses had been vaccinated "in the sink".

It all started with José María Fernández Sousa-Faro, President of PharmaMar. The president of the pharmaceutical company, founded 36 years ago, which made the front page of the newspapers for the effectiveness of his drug Aplidin against covid, is among the more than 2,200 names on the list drawn up by the National Police regarding those who are falsely vaccinated against the disease, informs ElMundo.

According to journalists, there are a lot of celebrities, footballers or politicians on this list of the Spanish National Police, but their names have not been made public yet. According to reports, the artist Omar Montes and the Australian tennis player Álex de Miñaur are on this list.

"Operation Janner", as this police investigation is called, has meanwhile led to the dismantling of an entire "sewer" vaccination network.