Pensioners who feared they wouldn't survive winter stunned by act of kindness

Politics 2 years ago 196

"We had to do something, Godfrey," Jeanette Ward tells her husband, "because, it's like you said, we couldn't have managed another winter."

The Wards, from Wigan, are proud pensioners. They own their home and, in their words, "don't like to ask for help".

But last week, the couple spoke candidly to Sky News about their fears they "wouldn't survive another winter."

The couple, in their 70s, were struggling to make their pensions stretch to cover the cost of rising energy and food bills.

Their boiler was broken and they couldn't afford to replace it.

They'd had no hot water or central heating for many months and were having to shower at a neighbour's house.

In tears, the couple told u...

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