Al Jazeera

Shireen Abu Akleh’s killing: Lies, investigations and videotape

2 years ago 186

Israel has lied from the instant that Shireen Abu Akleh was assassinated 11 days ago.

How do we know?

Israel’s story about what happened on the murderous morning of May 11 in Jenin and what it was going to do about it has changed more often than a baby’s diaper. Palestine’s story has remained the same throughout like one long, consistent note: Israel did it and won’t admit it.

Israel’s prime minister, Naftali Bennett, has lied. Israel’s foreign minister, Yair Lapid, has lied. The Israeli army has lied.

Bennett told the first big lie on May 11: Palestinians did it, he said. He was 99.99 percent sure. A Palestinian who couldn’t shoot straight did it. That’s what the prime minister of Israel said happened.

The same day, Lapid told the second big lie: Israel wanted to help Palestinians – the same Palestinians who Bennett already said did it – to find out who did it. Really, it did....

The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera’s editorial stance.

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