Al Jazeera

US ‘playing with fire’ on Taiwan, China warns: Xinhua

2 years ago 103

Chinese state news agency cites official as saying Washington is using the ‘Taiwan card’ to contain Beijing.

China has warned that the United States is “playing with fire” after President Joe Biden said that Washington would defend Taiwan militarily if the self-governed island is attacked by Beijing.

The Chinese State Council’s Taiwan Affairs Office said on Monday that the US is “using the ‘Taiwan card’ to contain China, and will itself get burned”.

State outlet Xinhua cited the office’s spokesperson Zhu Fenglian as saying that he urges the US to “stop any remarks or actions that violate” previously established principles between Beijing and Washington.

Speaking from Tokyo during a trip to Asia, Biden had answered with an unambiguous “yes” when asked by reporters whether the US would “get involved militarily” to defend Taiwan if it is attacked by China.

Pressed further about the apparent shift in US policy, Biden said: “That’s the commitment we made”...

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