Al Jazeera

What is next for Italy after Prime Minister Draghi’s resignation?

2 years ago 170

The collapse of Draghi’s government opens the way for early elections in autumn, with polls projecting a comfortable win by a right-wing alliance.

Italy has entered a new period of political uncertainty as Prime Minister Mario Draghi handed his resignation to President Sergio Mattarella.

The instability could add to the challenges already faced by the country, including soaring inflation and the economic fallout from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Draghi’s government will remain in office in a caretaker role until early elections in autumn, Mattarella said on Thursday, after formally accepting the decision.

Italy’s government crumbled on Wednesday when three of Draghi’s main coalition partners snubbed a confidence vote he had called to try to end divisions and renew their alliance.

The political crisis has upended months of stability in Italy, during which the former central banker had boosted the country’s standing in financial markets and helped shape Europe’s response to the war in Ukraine....

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